Kittens, Kittens and more Kittens

Post date: Nov 17, 2017 9:38:38 PM

Well its that time of year when there is a great concern for the small creatures around us, and this includes our little furry Kittens. Unfortunately Lebret and its Urban Reserve have many strays and mostly kittens. We have received many phone calls and people popping into the office hoping that we can help these cute little fur babies. As much as the Village staff would love to take home or find a home for every little orphan kitty, it just isn't feasible. 

So the Village is asking that if there is anyone in the Lebret area that is need of a Kitten, or a cat for a farm, please contact the office so we can point you to the caring person who has strays that have tried to seek shelter in their backyards. Maybe we can save some of these little fellas before true winter settles in.

We have a picture of a couple kittens that are in our shop. They seem to be very friendly and may be 3 months old. We also have a concerned citizen who has 2 kittens in his yard that are 1 to 2 months old. Of course they are very scared, but when they are this young they are still able to become good pets, rather than a farm cat.

Please call 306-332-6545 and talk to Lenette or Caroline if you are wanting to save a kitten/cat.