Emergency Services

Immediate Emergency - 911

RCMP Fort Qu'Appelle - 306-332-2222

Fort Qu'Appelle Hospital - 306-332-5611

Balcarres Medical Clinic - 306-334-2687

Fort Qu'Appelle Primary Health Care Centre - 306-332- 3345

Health Line - 811

Kids Helpline - 1-800-668-6868

Poison Control - 1-866-454-1212

Suicide Prevention and Support 1-833-456-4566

Administrator - Lisa Fayant

Office Assistant - Charissa Amyotte

Public Works Operator - Travis Toth

Mayor - Marvin Skinner

Deputy Mayor - Lyle McDonald

Councillor - Morgan Wolaniuk

Councillor - Ken Toth

Councillor - Vacant

CN Public Inquiry Line & CN Police

2017 CN PublicInquiry and PoliceLIneENG.pdf